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Be it shifting to a new place or living in your old one, renovation and remodelling are the perfect options to make a house your home. A home is a place that reflects how its owner is; Remodelling and Renovating your space is perfect to make your house reflect who are you as a person.

Is getting your home renovated and remodelled a good idea?

Although it is a good idea, renovating a home requires a lot of work, planning, visualizing, and of course, a substantial amount of money. If you want to get your house remodelled and renovated: you need to make sure you know what you want, how you want it to be, and the major and minor changes that you want to make in your place. During a renovation, you can hire an independent contractor who will remodel your space with design inputs that you want or you can hire an Interior designer to design your place for you.

Often used together, renovation and remodelling usually make people think that both things are the same, however, that is not entirely true. Although renovation and remodelling both entail the improvement of a given space, there is a big difference between the two services. You must know the difference between the two before talking to your contractor to avoid confusion and get exactly what you desire.

Briefly, here are the major differences between a renovation and a remodel:

  1. Changing the structure: one of the biggest differences between renovation and remodeling is that renovation focuses on changing the already existing equipment. Renovation makes changes in a given space without making major changes to the existing structure of the space. Remodelling, however, also entails making changes to the existing structure of the given space. A remodelling service can restructure the given space during a house improvement project to make it look certain. Instead of just touching upon or improving the existing elements, remodeling also includes restructuring.
  2. Requirement of a Permit: renovation of a house sometimes needs a permit to go ahead with the work. Remodelling, however, always requires a permit. Permits are necessary to ensure that building codes are being followed during the remodelling of a house. This is to ensure the safety of the residents.
  3. The cost of the service: The cost of both services varies but remodelling is often costlier than renovation. This is because Remodelling entails working on the structure of a space. Renovation usually works around working on the existing elements and less on structural changes.
  4. The better option in terms of home improvement: both options are great but it depends on what your requirements are. Remodelling a house can work on improving a poor house structure. Renovating a house, however, is a more efficient way of getting a good Return On Investment. As renovation is not as costly as remodelling and works on improving the basic features of a house; it is a good investment in your home.

There are several aspects that one needs to consider when finalizing on getting their house remodelled. Renovation and remodelling have numerous factors that one can change as per their requirements. While planning, you need to be fully aware of what you can get done.

Here is a list of basic renovation services that a remodelling company or a renovation contractor offers:

  1. Kitchen work (modular kitchen set up).
  2. Wood Work (updating existing and adding new)
  3. Creating a false ceiling or working on the existing one.
  4. Wall texturing and painting.
  5. Changing flooring.
  6. Light panelling, changing, installation, etc.

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